The Writings: 1893-1900
- The African Conference (January 12, 1893)
- The Negro Problem (February 12, 1893)
- Bishop Turner's Scheme (February 15, 1893)
- Bishop Turner’s Letter (August 2, 1893)
- Untitled (August 10, 1893)
- Colored National Convention Called (October 19, 1893)
- Ministers AME Church Take Notice (November 16, 1893)
- Important: An Address to the Ninth Episcopal District (January 4, 1894)
- Strong Negro Endorsements (January 7, 1894)
- W. H. Rutherford, DGS Set Right (January 18, 1894)
- Letter to the Secretary of War (April 25, 1894)
- Letter to the Secretary of War (April 28, 1894)
- A Million Ready to Go (October 7, 1894)
- Welcome in Liberia (June 17, 1895)
- To Colored People (January 13, 1895)
- Home of the Blacks (February 2, 1895)
- Bishop Turner and Dr. Smith’s Open Letter (March 7, 1895)
- Introduction: From Outlines of Christian Theology (October 24, 1895)
- Bishop Turner Reminiscences (January 1896)
- Introduction: from African and African Methodism (March 20, 1896)
- Bishop Turner’s Wail (July 18, 1896)
- The Baptist Magazine (January 1897)
- Bishop Turner Writes (February 4, 1897)
- Negroes Get Guns (March 17, 1897)
- Bishop Turner Would Be Moses of His Race (August 1, 1897)
- Turner Scores His Critics (September 11, 1897)
- Negro Emigration (October 21, 1897)
- Grand Words from Our Senior (August 25, 1898)
- Negro Race Dying Out Here (October 10, 1898)
- Bishop Turner Opposes Fifth Year Term (September 22, 1898)
- Bishop Turner’s Ringing Letter (January 19, 1899)
- A Letter to Bill Arp (April 5, 1899)
- Letter to Hallie Quinn Brown (May 5, 1899)
- Blames McKinley (July 6, 1899)
- To Hold Memorial Services (August 9, 1899)
- Negro Emigration to Africa (September 7, 1899)
- Must the Negro Go? (October 13, 1899)
- Bishop Turner for Bryan (September 11, 1900)