
Christian Recorder: August 10, 1893

30 Young St., Atlanta, GA. July 24th, 1893.

Mr. Editor--

Here is a letter from that inestimable Christian missionary lady – Mrs. Elder Ridgel. While it is personal, I think I am justified in making it public because of the kind of information it will impart to the Church. All that Mrs. Ridgel says about our possibilities is truer than she has described it. I would have published it in the “Voice of Missions,” but the paper is “set up” and is now being printed so you will do me and others a great favor by giving it to the Church through the columns of THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER. Anybody who can read this letter and not weep must be heartless.

I beg to say to the ministers and members of the Church who may not perchance take the “Voice of Missions,” they will do well to send five cents to C.E. Young, the secretary, and get a copy of the August issue, as the list of all the churches that gave to the cause of missions will appear in there and things that I have written that may make a stir in the connection will appear also, and I would rather for you to see the paper than to become irritated, about what you may hear is in it. Get it and read it for yourselves and let your thunderbolts fly, I shall hold myself prepared for them and have a few thunderbolts to spare also.


H. M. Turner

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