Whereas, there appears in some quarters a difference of opinion as the real status of the African M.E. Church, as it respects other denominations; and some have attempted to place us in a false position, and especially to antagonize us with that element and power which has brought freedom and manhood suffrage to our country. And whereas this opinion is falsely based, and those who position us and wish to place the African M.E. Church in antagonism to the true men who have ever been friends to our race, no matter what their denomination misstate us; more, they misrepresent us. And whereas there are those who terribly complain because we have sought to be friendly, and to treat those respectfully who treat us with a degree of respect, and in the midst of whom we live; and who have aided us and co-operated with us in establishing Churches amongst our people in this Southern region; therefore

Resolved, That, as ministers of the Prince of Peace, we intend to cultivate peace with all men, whether North or South, as much as in us lieth.

Resolved, Being firmly convinced that the African M.E. Church has been and is an instrument in the hands of God to lift our race up from degradation, we intend to use every means legitimate, honorable, and in our judgment pleasing to our Divine Master, to extend her principles and to build up her interests; to unite our race into one great African Methodist family. To this work we have consecrated our best energies, and from this work we do not intend to go into the “plains of Ono,” to reason with any who oppose the work about which we are engaged; but

Resolved, That we regard those as our enemies—the enemies of our race—who seek their division, whether they be from the North or South, black or white.

Resolved, That, on the contrary, these are our true friends who seek their unity, peace, concord, elevation, education, and usefulness, and afford to them facilities for labor and to acquire an honest support for themselves and little ones, and have our hearty thanks.

Resolved, That we cannot recognize those as the friends of our manhood who ignore us because we dare follow the convictions of our mind, and demand of all Christian denominations full and equal recognition of our manhood and the manhood of our race.

Resolved, That there be efforts put forth by each Superintendent to establish a school to aid in the education of candidates for the ministry.

Resolved, That we recommend that each Superintendent co-operate as far as may be with the American Missionary Association in this good work, and that each one of them or they jointly with the Corresponding Secretary of our Missionary Society to ascertain the views of that Association on this subject.

Resolved, That we recommend said Association, as well as the many other associations engaged in the education of our people, and who do not seek the destruction of our Church. The former are our friends, the latter are our enemies.

Resolved, That we recommend the American Bible Society to our Church, and hereby tender our thanks for large donations of Bibles received from them.

Resolved, That we recommend that all our Pastors, who can, to take up a collection during the year, and transmit it to the Secretary of said Society Bible House, New York.

[Signed] J.M. BROWN







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